Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My Souls Life

Liliana Sanches
I am in a new space and I know it.  I have a very short fuse and need protection from the outside world or I am going to beat the shit out of somebody.  I don't feel love, just massive anger.  I feel the earth at a very deep level and what's going on with her, maybe that's where all this anger is coming from.  It's ok.

I am too vast internally and the mind is too slow.  I still have thoughts, but they are just floating around.

Years of utter darkness and developing my root system under ground are coming to an end.  This is unnerving because I don't know where I am going.  Yet I know that I am leaving by the end of the year.  There is no physical evidence of it, however, it is showing up in my energy field.

I thought the next step would be with my twinflame.  He sold his house and I thought he was getting a divorce, only to find out that he built another house over the summer with his wife.  I was very upset.  Yet deep in my heart I know it has to be this way.  Long before we met the soul had already planned it.  Neither he nor I have a choice in this.  Another arrow through my heart again, but what can I do.  This is my souls life.

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